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Father, what are your problems?

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Father,  what are your problems?

I have None ... Do you?

Oh, Father, and this, and that, and this, and this ... and I do not know - what to do ...

What to do? Zeal! Zeal for God! From the heart! Becausea donation, which did not cost us anything – is not a donation. The prayer, which was very fast and easy, and we do not get tired and do not bother -is waste of time ...

For the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force, ..

Father! So all life is a feat!

It is necessary to fix the roof, finish heating repairs, change windows, and plumbing part In the adaptation centre- prisoners also live there

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

It is necessary  to fix the roof, finish heating repairs, change windows, and plumbing part In the adaptation centre- prisoners also live there

Preparation for the establishment of the Chapel in prison of  maximum security sector started, prisoners, condemned for life are kept here.

Snt. Apollinaria Chapel  in prison needs  liturgical equipment and furniture.

collection of clothes, food, medicines and basic necessities for the sick, the needy, and the prisoners continues

I wish Love, humility, and sacrificial heart – to Everybody

I sincerely try to do so that there is more love and less evil ....

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

I sincerely try to do so that there is more love and less evil ....

 And offer complicity – Let’s  try together.

Prison administration said –no Liturgy on Saturday in the colony, praying room is busy.

Therefore we have to continue the Church construction - a place where the prisoners will come, learn to love and to mend...

The divine service was held in the Odessa prison

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The divine service was held in the Odessa prison.

We prayed for Ukraine, about the ones in power and the military,

about all of us, and commemorated those who are no longer with us.

And I will l soon leave this world , and You, but our children will continue living,

and it depends on us today - which spiritual legacy

we leave them - the spirit ofmeekness, obedience, and love,

or the spirit of provocation, hatred and lies ...

We have a new prisoner, let’s continue working.

Charity organization "Charity Fund" Hodegetria ", Ukraine, Odessa

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Peace to you and your loved ones!

Charity organization "Charity Fund" Hodegetria ", Ukraine, Odessa, is engaged in supporting and implementation of social projects that provide moral, psychological and material assistance, and the adaptation, rehabilitation and socialization of the prisoners, which are in need of support, care and custody of the juveniles and patients who are temporarily in prison and two penal colonies: PTDC 21, Southern colony 51, Black Sea colony 74.

Work continues on the construction of the Chapel in prison at the maximum security sector - there which contains convicts sentenced to capital punishment - Life imprisonment.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Work continues on the construction of the Chapel in prison

at the maximum security sector - there

which contains convicts sentenced to capital punishment

- Life imprisonment.

The need in Chapel is so strong, as strong is the

 God's mercy extended to these people -

they are almost forgotten by all, except, perhaps, the close relatives ...

But God remembers them and loves and wants to save both them and us ...

... Therefore - by inspiration of God - join

Work continues on the creation of Reverend Apollinaria Chapel in prison, the prison building...

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Work continues on the creation of  Reverend Apollinaria  Chapel

in prison, the prison building,

where juvenile prisoners, women and citizens of other countries are.

Works does not move very fast, but still move.

By the inspiration of the Almighty - you can join

at any stage.

Truly - Christ is Risen!

Service held in the Odessa prison in serene holiday of Christ's Resurrection.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Service held in the Odessa prison

in serene holiday of Christ's Resurrection.

I served in the prison hospital, in the cooler,

and the maximum level of security sector

- From prisoners sentenced to death -

life imprisonment.

Christ is Risen - for everyone!- truly risen!

Photo by Boris Buchman

In the prison hospital, there is a need - in test tubes for blood tests - with plastic screw caps ...

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

In the prison hospital, there is a need - in test tubes for blood tests - with plastic screw caps ...

It is also very much needed ultrasound machine and cardiograph – it may be second-hand, but functioning.

Because if the person suddenly becomes ill – it takes too much time to reach the professionals who have the diagnostic equipment,

 When it’s urgent to make diagnosis and treat ... or do surgery ...

Even more so - in the hospital, as a rule, there is always a few pregnant women,

Who  also need to make ultrasound - tests ...


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