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Served today Liturgy in the military unit of the armed forces of Ukraine.

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Walked through the wards and talked with patients. Those who wished and were able went to the temple and praised for them and all of us. Three men took Holy Communion Temple is destructing and need repairs.... Read more
It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly. ... And we have to adapt the center, and yet we all live there and the warehouse prison mission, and office – leaking roof, leaky... Read more
12items out of what I would like to fulfill:1. Educate children, teach them to distinguish between good and bad, educating themselves.2. To create an adaptation center for those released from prison in each... Read more
’ve sent humanitarian aid to correctional colonies in Chernihiv and Kherson regions. Love, mercy, and faith to All! Read more
The third hour I wait in the tambour of the Odessa Remand Prison (SIZO) for the  employee who will accompany me to the chapel of the Resurrection of Christ, for the purpose of performing the Sacrament of... Read more