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Today, together with the charitable organization BF Odigitria, I collected and sent humanitarian aid to the Odesa pre-trial detention center: food and hygiene products.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, together with the charitable organization BF Odigitria, I collected and sent humanitarian aid to the Odesa pre-trial detention center: food and hygiene products.

Many thanks to Humanitarian Nova Poshta and those kind people—so few today, yet they exist—for their cooperation and open hearts.

For me, the only reason humanitarian aid is sent to places of detention is that a person reaches out to me, asks, and begs for help.
Someone managed to find that envelope with a stamp or the opportunity to make a phone call.
By God's providence, they received my phone number or address, and they reach out—and I try to do everything in my power
so that the prisoner may encounter the Lord. Because when a stranger suddenly sends them something vital,
it is a miracle for the inmate, as they are used to the idea that in this cruel world, nothing is done out of gratitude...

I paid for the passport issuance of a future defender—he wants to go to war. He says, "I can't just sit here when I want to and can help."
Please remember the future warrior Vasyl in your prayers.

We continue our work, fulfilling God's commandments, because I see a direct connection between following the Gospel and the victory we all so desperately need!
May the Lord bless all those who work sacrificially and prayerfully!





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