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The Liturgy of pre-sanctified gifts was held in the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The Liturgy of pre-sanctified gifts was held in the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka.

Several people partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the church, but most - right in the wards ...

One of the sick, who took communion last Wednesday, is much better  today, and can get out of bed, I thought he would not survive this week ...

Are great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord!

Charity organization "Charity Fund" Hodegetria "

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Charity organization "Charity Fund" Hodegetria "

holds spiritual, rehabilitation and social work in prisons,

supports the released from prison,

supports AIDS patients in the AIDS center --,

in the pediatric departments of several hospitals,

and assists all those in need who ask for help ...

You can participate in this activity in sector  "HELP" of this site.

Patience and compassion for the sick, the needy and the prisoners ...

I held a prayer service for the health in the children's department of TB hospital.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, after the Liturgy in the health resort Lermontovskiy

I held a prayer service for the health in the children's department  of TB hospital.

Prayed, read the apostolic letter, Gospel,

Listened to the Sermon  ...

After the service, all were anointed - Get Well !

Few people want to take communion ... I do not know yet how to organize it ...

As the Lord wills – we ‘ll think, coordinate and consult ...

I thought that this place - a place of deprivation of liberty: it means - I came to the right place ...

The Service of God in the penal colony is the most important event of all ongoing, for it prepossesses prisoners’ souls to repentance and their lives – to improvement...

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The Service of God in the penal colony is the most important event of all ongoing, for it prepossesses prisoners’ souls to repentance and their lives – to improvement...

On sermons – repeat all the same thing: that every lie is sin. Same as deception and, and stealing...

And that one of the main conditions that the Lord will accept (host) us –is our desire not to touch the unclean (dirty) things - in any form: not to please our greediness and self-interest, not desire anything  that belongs to your neighbor, and in general -not to wish anybody the evil ...

Charity fund "Odigitriya"

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The charity organization “Charity fund "Odigitriya"” leading its activities in Odessa, Ukraine, and the Prison Mission, working in two penal colonies, prisons and the settlement, is in deep need of a vehicles - economy class car, or small van, and utility motor vehicle - to work with prisoners who have been released from prison, the sick and the homeless, juvenile prisoners, the children who are in the 9th ward of Odessa Psychiatric Hospital №9, and

Today visited the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka (Crooked Beam.)

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today visited the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka (Crooked Beam.)

I walked all the patient’s rooms, talked with heavy aching.

Next week I will go to make communion and serve as a prayer for the health.

It is necessary to put in order the worship cross, which is in front of the Chapel of the hospital ...

... And in the Chapel itself some places need a lick of paint and finish in plaster.

Today the Liturgy was served in the convict colony of intensive regime .

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today the Liturgy was served in the convict colony of intensive regime .

Let us pray for peace and for Ukraine, for the soldiers, for our city, and for those who did not live to see this day.

Holy Communion  took place...

Abstract from the sermon:

"We all are so far from a state when we will take with joy any event in our lives – as the one from the Lord, even such as the looting of our property.

We “sour” at home in cabinets and on shelves things that we can never wear out,


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