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A person who is behind bars reached out to me…

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

A person who is behind bars reached out to me…
He says he urgently needs medical treatment, or else he might lose his leg…
He also said that he started working in the colony.
The doctors forbade it, but he couldn’t stay away: “We are making anti-tank nets, and I want to do at least something because with my leg like this, they won’t take me to the war… So, I will do what I can…”
A person with the right heart.
I want to help him.
His name is Ihor…
I am raising funds for his medicine—I already have food for him.

And another person, who has severe asthma, is asking for inhalers…

A deep bow and great gratitude to all those who work selflessly!




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