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Prisoners from high-security penal colony appealed for help (not in the Odessa region), and told that there is nothing in their prison hospital: gauze instead of bandages, no syringes, no elementary medicines... Read more
Сегодня в светлый праздникВведения во храм Пресвятой Богородицысостоялась Литургия в храме при СПИД центре.Помолились с болящими, прочитали Евангелие, и причастились Святых Христовых Тайн.Кто смог прийти на... Read more
The prisoner addressed Me, saying He had nothing: no soap, no linen. Being the orphan himself.  A  very young man, and his case  is not heavy ... . I would like to help him ... Read more
It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly. ... And we have to adapt the center, and yet we all live there and the warehouse prison mission, and office – leaking roof, leaky... Read more
Today, on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of the True Cross, the Liturgy took place in the Church of the  Image  Not-Made-By-Hands  of  our Lord Jesus Christ at the AIDS Center in Kriva Balka. Prayed... Read more