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I‘ve made a parcel for the prisoners of the Odessa Remand Prison SIZO - products, a fan heater, warm clothes and shoes.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

I‘ve made a parcel for the prisoners of the Odessa Remand Prison SIZO - products,

a fan heater, warm clothes and shoes.
What has been done today makes some 0.01% of what shall be done - prisoners from other prisons and colonies  in Ukraine are waiting for help, waiting with the hope that the Lord has not forgotten them ...
Mercy and Faith to everybody.

USD, Euro:

Beneficiary: Blahodiina Orhanizatsiia 'Blahodiinyi Fond 'Odyhitriia'
Account #: 26000455012355
Beneficiary's bank: OTP Bank


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