Collected and sent the parcel to the one who was released from the place of imprisonment, because he can barely see and is in trouble, and lives in a “bear ‘s corner ... Faith and love to all.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Collected and sent the parcel to the one who was released from the place of
imprisonment, because he can barely see and is in trouble, and lives in a
“bear ‘s corner ...
Faith and love to all.
Special 12 Years,
Good afternoon, Father Dmytrii.
Special 12 Years,
How are you and your health?
Special 12 Years,
I was completely bedridden for a week, the virus was really tough, brutal.
Odigitria Charity...Read more
I’ve sent a parcel to a penal colony in the Dnieper region to a seriously ill TB prisoner: food, warm clothes and shoes.
Received packages from good people - thank you so much!
We do what we can.
Love to all.
Read more
In the prison hospital, there is a need - in test tubes for blood tests - with plastic screw caps ...
It is also very much needed ultrasound machine and cardiograph – it may be second-hand, but functioning....Read more
ladies and gentlemen
Ukrainian Orthodox priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, prison chaplain and social worker, Father Dmitry Krasnobaev, Odessa, Ukraine, humbly asks you to give him a few minutes of your...Read more