We’ve sent a parcel to a correctional colony in the Zaporozhye region ...
... and collected three more - I'll send these tomorrow.
Our packages are not just food, clothing and medicine.
These are also hope and...Read more
The service of God took place today in the Odessa remand prison (SIZO).We prayed, asked the Lord to forgive our sins, the foundation of repentance was laid in hearts of prisoners,
also read the Gospel and the...Read more
The morning began with a prayer for our soldiers and for the victory of our army...
...but after the prayer, we need to help, to add what our boys and girls need, who are now at the front, in the trenches and...Read more
My pressure completely unleashed - jumped to 250x170, and then crashed
to 70x45 ... ... but nevertheless today I served with Alexander
Filippov, and the mission continues its work. Good people did not send...Read more