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Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture


    I've spent my last money to take the parcel from the New Post: one
was not paid, and I owe them 60 UAH ...
Odigitria Mission, which takes care of the poor, prisoners and the
needy has tremendous utility fees debt.
I am running out of petrol, and there is no possibility to deliver parcels
to places of detention, and to buy medicines for homeless people in urban hospitals.
I  have plenty of debts ...
... and therefore I am calling for help again, because if you don’t
try, nothing happens, but if we do what we can, the Savior will give us
everything we need, will open our hearts, and do what we cannot do
ourselves.. .
5168 7427 2183 1208 Privat Bank
Love to all.
P.S. ... and finally,no money on my mobile phone left




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