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Protoierey Dmytro Krasnobaev, Dd September 14. So when you eat, when you drink, or when you do anything else, do everything for the Glory of the God.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture
Protoierey Dmytro Krasnobaev,
Dd September 14.
So when you eat, when you drink, or when you do anything else, do everything for the Glory of the God. 1st Letter to Corinthians 10:31.
... but firstly it is necessary to come to the conclusion that the Lord does exist. Because if He does not exist, all the mentioned above does not make sense. And our life has no meaning if there is no eternity with the God. And we can live as we wish, without burdening ourselves with mercy, compassion, grace and love.
I have more than thirty telephone calls in the morning from prisoners, the sick, the hungry, the naked, and the needy. I have nothing to give them today. My family needs are not covered, my debts are enormous, I have no car again, but I believe that the Lord will see the solution of all problems through the hearts of those who have already acquired the reason to do His will.
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Mercy and Faith to all.

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