Our Ukrainian soldier Petro is fully equipped. Check only lower, which will be in a couple of days. Let us sacrificially practice the earthly slope, that podyaka is great! Thank God! Glory to our defenders of...Read more
I ‘ve sent two parcels to the general type penal colonies in Donetsk, Dnipro and Kiev regions:
a lot of medicines, products, clothes, blankets, personal hygiene items and first priority items,
prayer books...Read more
Today a Liturgy took place in Odessa prison, the convict colony of intensive regime.
Some fifteen persons participated.
To hear the message of the Apostles and the Gospel.Read more
Collected and sent the next seven parcels to various places of imprisonment in
Ukraine - warm clothes, shoes, bedding, products, personal hygiene items and
essentials, literature and medicines.Read more
I handed over to the baby Valeria, who is with her mother in prison, a parcel of milk mixture and diapers.The earthly bow and the great gratitude to those who donate to the needy!Love to all.
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