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Today, after the Divine Liturgy, together with the Odigitria Charity Fund (mission.tyurem.net), we collected and sent humanitarian aid to combat units where those who were behind bars six months ago are now fighting.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, after the Divine Liturgy, together with the Odigitria Charity Fund (mission.tyurem.net), we collected and sent humanitarian aid to combat units where those who were behind bars six months ago are now fighting.

We also sent food, clothing, footwear, household chemicals, and hygiene products to the Odessa pre-trial detention center.

Many thanks to the specialists of the 30th branch of Nova Poshta in Odessa, the Humanitarian Nova Poshta, and compassionate friends for their cooperation and open hearts.

Glory to God! Glory to Ukraine!

Donations to God for works of mercy and love can be made to:

  • A Bank: 5375 2351 0042 8836
  • PrivatBank: 5168 7456 1342 0840
  • WebMoney: Z451417690733

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