The charity organization “Charity fund "Odigitriya"” leading its activities in Odessa, Ukraine, and the Prison Mission, working in two penal colonies, prisons and the settlement, is in deep need of a vehicles...Read more
Myself and my older sun Leo were playing musical instruments (piano and cello) when I received telephone call from the prisoners.... so we played for them for an hour and a half, and they listened, and clapped...Read more
Today, after the Divine Liturgy, together with the Odigitria Charity Fund (, we collected and sent humanitarian aid to combat units where those who were behind bars six months ago are now...Read more
I’ve sent a parcel to a penal colony in the Dnieper region to a seriously ill TB prisoner: food, warm clothes and shoes.
Received packages from good people - thank you so much!
We do what we can.
Love to all.
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