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The lack of men's warm shoes is very acute. Last year, a good man sent a whole box of cheap but warm winter boots - 42 pairs. It's a drop in the ocean, but 42 needy people received winter shoes. Winter jackets are also very necessary.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The lack of men's warm shoes is very acute. Last year, a good man sent a whole
box of cheap but warm winter boots - 42 pairs. It's a drop in the ocean, but 42
needy people received winter shoes. Winter jackets are also very necessary. And
you need to buy glasses for the prisoner, -9. I found such in the market “Privoz”,
budget (maning cheapest), cost 300 UAH. Maybe someone wants to make a
targeted donation ... And the woman who is released needs to buy a ticket
Poltava-Sevastopol, and it costs around 1000 UAH. And the detainees call and call,
and ask for food, bedding, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, and
warm clothes and shoes...
Love, Mercy and Faith to All!
Please write what you want to donate, or do not write - then I will decide for
whom, for what and how much.


5168 7427 2261 5550 Private Bank
5375 4141 1233 7901 monobank
Details for transfers in national currency Recipient:
Odigitria Charitable Foundation
IBAN Account №: UA393005280000026000455012355
Recipient code: 39893123 Beneficiary,s bank:
OTP BANK JSC city Kyiv, 01033, str. Zhylyanska, 43
Beneficiary: Odyhytriia
Account IBAN #: UA393005280000026000455012355
Beneficiary’s bank: OTP BANK JSC
43 Zhylyanska Str., Kyiv, 01033

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