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Дмитрий Краснобаев's blog

Adaptation Center

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture


It is one month left to begin repairs in the premises of the Social Adaptation Center.

We were given a rental benefit for half a year with the condition that we do repairs there.

At least we'll start.

But I still believe that the Lord has people and for this God's work.

And I also believe that if even only one person comes through this center,

there will be one theft, or robbery less. Less for one addict or alcoholic.

And as a result - one of us will not have these troubles, problems, and sorrows.

Today, on the bright holiday of Easter, I visited the Odessa prison.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, on the bright holiday of Easter, I visited the Odessa prison.

I walked all the cells in one of the prison buildings, (about a hundred),

And all cameras in the sector of the maximum level of security,

Where prisoners sentenced for life are held,.

In each cell there is aspersion, and a short sermon about the goal of human life

- eternity with the Lord,

And that this goal is achieved through obedience to his will,

Humility and repentance, and that today is a great opportunity to say to God:

Almost everyday people are asking for help to overcome an addiction.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Almost everyday people are asking for help to overcome an addiction.

People are coming up to me on the streets, visiting the church service, phone calling.

Hoping in God’s mercy that the idea of creating the social rehabilitation

and adaptation centre will be implemented fully.

Meanwhile only bare walls which need to be renovated, leaking roof.

And depts.

Love to everyone.

It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly.

... And we have to adapt the center, and yet we all live there and the warehouse prison mission, and office – leaking roof, leaky windows, heating is not completed yet ...

Lord have Mercy on us!

+38067 485 53 33 My Phone

 Humility and love of the Savior to All.


Liturgy was held at the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Liturgy was held at the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka.

We prayed for the sick, and took Communion of the Holy Mysteries of the Lord

with those who are able to come to the service - in the church,

and those who could not come – took Communion directly

in hospital wards.

Good health of the soul, and strength of the body  to  All !


It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

It's autumn now. I think that winter is approaching rapidly and irreversibly.

... And we have to adapt the center, and yet we all live there and the warehouse prison mission, and office – leaking roof, leaky windows, heating is not completed yet ...

Lord have Mercy on us!

+38067 485 53 33 My Phone

 Humility and love of the Savior to All.



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