Seven parcels were made to places of detention: four to Odessa, and per one to Chernigov, Kiev, and Vinnitsa regions. Tomorrow is sending. The earthly bow and gratitude is great to all who are involved in Acts of Mercy !
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Seven parcels were made to places of detention: four to Odessa, and per one to Chernigov, Kiev, and Vinnitsa regions. Tomorrow is sending. The earthly bow and gratitude is great to all who are involved in Acts of Mercy !
The Orthodox Mission "Hodegetria" conducts its charitable activities
in Odessa:
in two hospitals,
AIDS hospice,
two convict colonies,
and two prison hospitals.
These activities - are the fulfillment of...Read more
Prepared and sent a parcel to the correctional facility in Kievan region -clothes, food, personal hygiene items.Prepared everything our everyday life consists of.
Love to all.v
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Today,the God's Church Service in the convict colony took place.
We have revealed and fulfilled the Church in the fullness of its gifts,
composing the Eucharistic assembly, and offering a sacrifice of praise...Read more