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Today, after the church service, together with the charitable organization CF Odigitria (https://mission.tyurem.net/en), we collected and sent humanitarian aid to former prisoners, who are now our defenders - soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, after the church service, together with the charitable organization CF Odigitria (https://mission.tyurem.net/en), we collected and sent humanitarian aid to former prisoners, who are now our defenders - soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Thank you to the parishioners of the Holy Protection Church in Odesa, at 67 Bakhmutska Street, Humanitarian Nova Poshta and our caring friends for their cooperation and open hearts.

In the war, power banks are urgently needed. They say - there is nothing to charge the radios with, so they are left without communication, which is very bad and dangerous ...

I am looking for power banks, or money to buy them ...

Glory to God! Glory to Ukraine!

I found two power banks. More precisely - I bought ...

I sent them.

We need at least two more.





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