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The service of God took place today in the Odessa remand prison (SIZO).

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The service of God took place today in the Odessa remand prison (SIZO).
We prayed, asked the Lord to forgive our sins, the foundation of repentance was laid in hearts of prisoners,

also read the Gospel and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul, a sermon about eternity, love,

and the Kingdom of Heaven was made, received the Eucharist.
Patience, humility, and love to everybody.


USD, Euro:

Beneficiary: Blahodiina Orhanizatsiia 'Blahodiinyi Fond 'Odyhitriia'
Account #: 26000455012355
Beneficiary's bank: OTP Bank


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