In the prison hospital, there is a need - in test tubes for blood tests - with plastic screw caps ...
It is also very much needed ultrasound machine and cardiograph – it may be second-hand, but functioning.
Because if the person suddenly becomes ill – it takes too much time to reach the professionals who have the diagnostic equipment,
When it’s urgent to make diagnosis and treat ... or do surgery ...
Even more so - in the hospital, as a rule, there is always a few pregnant women,
Who also need to make ultrasound - tests ...
I would not even mention the need of cardiograph, and the urgent need of it here. It goes without saying, that it is very necessary.
I know for sure that someone local or abroad can help them ...
I really want to help.
If you are in the know - join us: Let’s do this God’s work together!
Who speaks English – please translate this very big request...
And not English only///
I thank all who are not indifferent...