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To the front lines to our brothers and sisters defending Ukraine, and to solve their dental problems locally.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Glory to Ukraine! The health of our defenders is very important, so my friends, who have an operating dental center, asked me to help them make a mobile dental office, so that it would be possible to come to the front lines to our brothers and sisters defending Ukraine, and to solve their dental problems locally. There is all the necessary medical equipment, there are doctors, there is no only a car in which this office could be placed.

The best way to implement this idea would be an ambulance, because there is electrical power for medical equipment, but any Volkswagen Transporter or Mercedes sprinter class car will be OK.

A pick-up truck is also needed for the transportation of humanitarian goods for displaced persons, those with many children, the sick, the elderly and the needy, but any car with a large trunk will suffice.

Together we will win!

Glory to heroes!


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Odigitria Charitable Foundation
IBAN Account №: UA393005280000026000455012355
Recipient code: 39893123 Beneficiary,s bank:
OTP BANK JSC city Kyiv, 01033, str. Zhylyanska, 43
Beneficiary: Odyhytriia
Account IBAN #: UA393005280000026000455012355
Beneficiary’s bank: OTP BANK JSC
43 Zhylyanska Str., Kyiv, 01033

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