Collected and sent the parcel to the one who was released from the place of imprisonment, because he can barely see and is in trouble, and lives in a “bear ‘s corner ... Faith and love to all.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Collected and sent the parcel to the one who was released from the place of
imprisonment, because he can barely see and is in trouble, and lives in a
“bear ‘s corner ...
Faith and love to all.
Сегодня в светлый праздникВведения во храм Пресвятой Богородицысостоялась Литургия в храме при СПИД центре.Помолились с болящими, прочитали Евангелие,
и причастились Святых Христовых Тайн.Кто смог прийти на...Read more
Now I am at the transfer station of the Odessa pre-trial detention center, I brought for the prisoners blankets and groceries.
Mercy and faith to All!
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Today, after the Divine Liturgy, together with the Odigitria Charitable Foundation
collected and sent humanitarian aid to the Poltava Women's Correctional Colony - hygiene and food.
Many of yesterday's...Read more
Ladies and gentlemen!
Ukrainian Orthodox priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, prison chaplain and social worker, Father Dmitry Krasnobaev, Odessa, Ukraine, humbly asks you to give him a few minutes of...Read more
Today, the service of God took place in a high-security penal colony.
Prayed for all of us, read the Gospel, confessed our sins, and received Holy Communion of the Holy Mysteries.At the sermon - all the same:...Read more