My whole family takes part in the charitable mission Odigitria - today Lev's fruitful efforts sent humanitarian aid to the needy in Sumy and Kyiv regions. Let's win together! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
My whole family takes part in the charitable mission Odigitria - today Lev's fruitful efforts sent humanitarian aid to the needy in Sumy and Kyiv regions. Let's win together! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
It was only One person, who responded to the latest publication on fundraising for the Odegetria mission.
I didn’t even have enough to send two collected parcels - clothes, food, medicine, prayer books, not to...Read more
Glory to Ukraine! The health of our defenders is very important, so my friends, who have an operating dental center, asked me to help them make a mobile dental office, so that it would be possible to come to...Read more
Today,the God's Church Service in the convict colony took place.
We have revealed and fulfilled the Church in the fullness of its gifts,
composing the Eucharistic assembly, and offering a sacrifice of praise...Read more
The war affects everyone. Everyone who is living now and those who will come after us. Our present day is the result of our past choices. Our future day is the result of today's choices and decisions. And...Read more