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zero hryvna in my pocket left after sending, - only two hryvnias remained ...

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

zero hryvna in my pocket left after sending,  - only two hryvnias remained ...

... and I need to go to the pre-trial detention center of the city of Izmail - the prisoner begged: -“ I want to confess and take communion, I'm afraid that I might not have time”.

His health condition does not leave the hope for a long and happy life:

I must go.

And  I also need  to go to Belgorod-Dniestrovsky to settle prison issues.

And need  to finally pay the bills - the debts on the utility payments are big and growing,

and problems may start soon...

... I realise inside that this should not be like this:

donations collected on Facebook cannot and should not be the sole source of income for such a Mission as Odigitria, and my  family of five members.

But so far I can’t do anything about  it, so we will work with what we have.

Thus: Ishmael, Belgorod, bills, parcels, already collected, and ready for shipment,

and those that are to be collected and sent, medicines for the poor, sick in city hospitals, etc.

Now again, I have to gather money among friends, and sacrificial good people,

for  there is nowhere else...

I have carefully considered and rejected any additional activity besides the Mission:

either Mission, or other work. Combining does not work.

Please, find my credit cards’ numbers below - I don’t know how otherwise ...
Kindly please, help.

5375 4141 1233 7901 monobank
5168 7427 2183 1208 privatbank


Mercy,  Sacrificial Heart, and Eternal Meanings to All !

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