Donated humanitarian aid to the poor. I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Donated humanitarian aid to the poor.
I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
After the Liturgy, according to tradition,
on Bright Monday – the blessing ofprisoners’ cells, the preaching of the Gospel,
and communication with prisoners of the convict colony of intensive regime.
Christ is...Read more
Prepeared a parcel (package) for prisoners: food, clothing, spiritual literature ...
Handed on……/tyurma-beskraynee-pole-dlya-del…
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Myself and my older sun Leo were playing musical instruments (piano and cello) when I received telephone call from the prisoners.... so we played for them for an hour and a half, and they listened, and clapped...Read more