Donated humanitarian aid to the poor. I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Donated humanitarian aid to the poor.
I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
the Liturgy plays a key role in the case of correcting the prisoners, bringing them to Christ and His Church, for
changing not only the direct participants in God's service, but also their environment: a...Read more
Collected and sent the parcel to the one who was released from the place of
imprisonment, because he can barely see and is in trouble, and lives in a
“bear ‘s corner ...
Faith and love to all.
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Donated humanitarian aid to the poor.
I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and...Read more
Сегодня в светлый праздникВведения во храм Пресвятой Богородицысостоялась Литургия в храме при СПИД центре.Помолились с болящими, прочитали Евангелие,
и причастились Святых Христовых Тайн.Кто смог прийти на...Read more