Donated humanitarian aid to the poor. I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Donated humanitarian aid to the poor.
I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
At the moment I am preparing documents for Malinovsky Reg.Court tomorrow's hearing (sitting),
and one more set of documents for the sitting of the Primorsky Reg. Court on October 9.
Also it is necessary to...Read more
Сегодня в светлый праздникВведения во храм Пресвятой Богородицысостоялась Литургия в храме при СПИД центре.Помолились с болящими, прочитали Евангелие,
и причастились Святых Христовых Тайн.Кто смог прийти на...Read more
In the prison chapel of the Venerable St.Apollinaria, a service for under-age prisoners was held today.Prayed, read the Gospel, listened to the sermon, and talked.Next service tomorrow.Love to all.
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This week's plans are vast:Monday - communication with the detention facilities and jails administration. Coordination of mutual work.
Tuesday – Liturgy at the AIDS hospita Church in Kriva Balka, then a...Read more