The charity organization “Charity fund "Odigitriya"” leading its activities in Odessa, Ukraine, and the Prison Mission, working in two penal colonies, prisons and the settlement, is in deep need of a vehicles...Read more
This is - a prison.
It is a prison our’s.
Road to Europe starts from prisons, hospitals and orphanages - I beleive so ...
And, on the other hand - with the judicial, executive and legislative authorities....Read more
I’ve sent the parcel to the Dnieper penal colony of general type, and to the colony in Kiev region: blankets, warm clothes, shoes, underwear, prayer books, icons, and products.
Mercy, faith, and love to...Read more
Today, after the Divine Liturgy, together with the "Odigitria Charity Fund", we collected and sent humanitarian aid to urgently needy detainees in the Dnipro pre-trial detention center and...Read more