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...but nevertheless today I served with Alexander Filippov, and the mission continues its work.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

My pressure completely unleashed - jumped to 250x170, and then crashed
to 70x45 ... ... but nevertheless today I served with Alexander
Filippov, and the mission continues its work. Good people did not send
many men's clothes and shoes - an earthly bow and a big thank you to
them, and to all those who worked prayerfully and sacrificially!
My blood pressure completely unleashed - jumped to 250x170, and then
crashed to 70x45 ... ... but nevertheless today I served with
Alexander Filippov, and the mission continues its work. Good people

I am afraid, I have to beg for help again. People who responded to my previous publication (dd March 6) helped me to cover only the most burning debts.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture
I am afraid, I have to beg for help again.

People who responded to my previous publication (dd March 6) helped me to cover only the most burning debts. But today it became even worse – my debts were handed over to the bill debtor’s collectors, and they will not let me work, I mean, that I would not be able to advise the detainees and their relatives, because these collectors will call me 100 times per day, and same they will do to my wife...

Debts have reached a critical level – within the 11 years that I have been involved in charity, they have become very big.

Love of God and his Mercy to all.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

From our experience:

Those who have no one close, no one to turn for help, call and write to us.

First of all, this is communication, long conversations about life, about faith, about the church, about Christ and His sacrifice.

And as a result of such communication, a desire is born to help the repentant in his everyday matters, so that he would not look for soap and washing powder, but would open the New Testament, and maybe the Word of God will touch his heart, and he will change, and will never be the same “bad”...



Despite the difficult financial situation mission Hodigitria continues its work

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Despite the difficult financial situation
mission Hodigitria continues its work - sent seven parcels to prisons in Ukraine.
Bow to the ground to sacrificial workers and our gratitude is boundless!
Counseling and spiritual support throughout the day in connection with the prisoners.
We collect more parcels.

My financial for 11 years, ship is getting lost. Debts have reached a critical level. - I’m working for Mercy (Charity) for 11 years, and my personal debts became even greater.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

My financial for 11 years, ship is getting lost. Debts have reached a critical level. - I’m working
for Mercy (Charity) for 11 years, and my personal debts became even greater. My family
consists of 5 persons, they are: my wife, two children aged 10 and 11 years and an old Granny.
Besides I also have to take care about the homeless as they come to me, to my home. There are
also several faithful believers, who can have only my back.
I ask for help from all the not indifferent Ukrainians, because I am getting lost with the debts,

Monday, 18 янв., 13: 24 (3 days back) The eleventh year passed since the foundation of the Prison Mission Hodigitria. Within the period of work the Mission has given help to thousands of prisoners from all areas of Ukraine, to their families

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Monday, 18 янв., 13: 24 (3 days back)




The eleventh year passed since the foundation of the Prison Mission  Hodigitria.

We’ve sent a parcel to a correctional colony in the Zaporozhye region ... ... and collected three more - I'll send these tomorrow. Our packages are not just food, clothing and medicine.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

We’ve sent a parcel to a correctional colony in the Zaporozhye region ...
... and collected three more - I'll send these tomorrow.
Our packages are not just food, clothing and medicine.
These are also hope and joy and faith.
Because if a person has neither relatives nor friends, and such are the majority, and suddenly he receives a package from a stranger, then this is a miracle for him, and evidence that the Lord has not forgotten him, and faith that everything can still work out , and be good ...
Love, sacrificial heart, and eternal meanings to All.

Another package went to a prisoner in a correctional colony in the Dnieper region

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Another package went to a prisoner in a correctional colony in the Dnieper region, and two were collected, but there is no money to have them sent, and we need to collect and send more and more, and only two people responded to the last publication about financial help. They may cut gas for debts, how to develop the mission if even utility bills are not covered? I am afraid, that I can’t do much, and I will not help anyone in this situation. We are not talking about changing of mode of life of prisoners until the mission has a base and systemic funding.


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