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The Liturgy of pre-sanctified gifts was held in the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka. Several people partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the church, but most - right in the wards ... Read more
Prepeared  a parcel (package) for prisoners: food, clothing, spiritual literature ... Handed on… http://mission.tyurem.net/…/tyurma-beskraynee-pole-dlya-del… Read more
Prisoners from high-security penal colony appealed for help (not in the Odessa region), and told that there is nothing in their prison hospital: gauze instead of bandages, no syringes, no elementary medicines... Read more
Today, a service was held at the prison buildings of the Odessa Remand Prison (SIZO).Confessed, prayed, and talked with the prisoners: we are preparing for the next service.I gave the prisoners spiritual... Read more
We brought and transferred with Glory humanitarian aid to the regional neuropsychiatric dispensary. Mercy and faith to Everybody.   Read more