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The day began with communication with the homeless and released from prison - I collected clothes for them, they will come for it tonight.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The day began with communication with the homeless and released from prison - I collected clothes for them, they will come for it tonight.
Then - communication with the administration of the  high-security penal colony : they say they want to work with me further, and that all the delays and obstacles are misunderstandings caused by the change of leadership and minor technical mistakes. We will see.
After this - communication with the convicts of the colony.
After that - a conversation with the released from the prisons- one of them will come to the Liturgy on Saturday in Lermontovsky ...
... I’ll give him diapers for adults to be passed to the Shelter House.
Now again one of the former prisoners will come - I'll go with him to the Shelter House in Dalnitskaya street.
The day goes on.
There is still no money for the mission and for the work with homeless, former and current prisoners... and there is no gasoline either ...
Mercy and Faith to all.

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