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This is - a prison.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

This is - a prison.

It is a prison  our’s.

Road to Europe starts from prisons, hospitals and orphanages - I beleive so ...

And, on the other hand - with the judicial, executive and legislative authorities.

With the judicial - in the first place ...

So what is my point?

My point is that: our prisoners without the Lord can only be crippled (hurt).

I.e - the prisons release not the reclaimed (healed) criminals, but even more poisoned, morally crippled people, who can not live in a normal civilized society ...

... And I call - to strengthen the custody and care of those who are in prison in order to bring them closer to the Creator, for He alone can cure them, and rehabilitate ...

... On http://mission.tyurem.net/ru/help


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