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Prepeared a parcel (package) for prisoners: food, clothing, spiritual literature ... Handed on…

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Almost everyday people are asking for help to overcome an addiction. People are coming up to me on the streets, visiting the church service, phone calling. Hoping in God’s mercy that the idea of creating the... Read more
I ‘ve sent two parcels to the general type penal colonies  in Donetsk, Dnipro and Kiev regions: a lot of medicines, products, clothes, blankets, personal hygiene items and  first priority items, prayer books... Read more
Today, a service was held at the prison buildings of the Odessa Remand Prison (SIZO).Confessed, prayed, and talked with the prisoners: we are preparing for the next service.I gave the prisoners spiritual... Read more
At night, shells from the Russian army destroyed the Novosaltivskyi market in Kharkiv.  Photos from local residents. Read more
Today after the Liturgy in the Chapel in the Lermontovsky sanatorium, I baptized and gave the Eucharist to two homeless persons in Troitskaya street hospital .I'm writing this not for the purpose of boasting,... Read more