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Peace to you and your loved ones!

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Peace to you and your loved ones!

Charity organization "Charity Fund" Hodegetria ", Ukraine, Odessa, is engaged in supporting and implementation of social projects that provide moral, psychological and material assistance, and the adaptation, rehabilitation and socialization of the prisoners, which are in need of support, care and custody of the juveniles and patients who are temporarily in prison and two penal colonies: PTDC 21, Southern colony 51, Black Sea colony 74.

Our work aimed to correct the criminals serving their sentences in prison for the purpose of returning them to society as adequate people that are no longer stand in the way of crime Today we have almost no funding: the work is carried out on private donations of a few not indifferent people at their own expense.

Prisoners are in need of basic necessities, personal care, warm footwear, bedding (not colored), low-power fan heaters, electric kettle, products (tea, coffee, condensed milk, and so on.), Etc. In prison, there is no heating, communications are rotten and need to be replaced, and residential premises - to be repaired, for which there is absolutely no money. We would be grateful for any help.

Charity organization’s Director Tel: +380674855333; 380637357035. .

On the photo - the prison cells of the Odessa prison.

This is approximately the average state: there are a little better and there are much worse.


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