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Another package went to a prisoner in a correctional colony in the Dnieper region

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Another package went to a prisoner in a correctional colony in the Dnieper region, and two were collected, but there is no money to have them sent, and we need to collect and send more and more, and only two people responded to the last publication about financial help. They may cut gas for debts, how to develop the mission if even utility bills are not covered? I am afraid, that I can’t do much, and I will not help anyone in this situation. We are not talking about changing of mode of life of prisoners until the mission has a base and systemic funding.
I hope in the Lord who disposes of hearts!

Great gratitude and bow to the earth to those who give alms to the needy!

Love,  mercy and sacrificial heart to All!


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