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Conversations with prisoners are a sacrifice of communication that I placed on my heart long ago to offer to God as part of my unpayable debt to Him.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Special 12 Years,
Good afternoon, Father Dmytrii.

Special 12 Years,
How are you and your health?

Special 12 Years,
I was completely bedridden for a week, the virus was really tough, brutal.

Odigitria Charity Fund,
Get well soon.
We are doing well, thank God, thank you.

Special 12 Years,
I'm feeling a bit better thanks to the antibiotics you sent.

Special 12 Years,
Antibiotic injections.

Odigitria Charity Fund,

Odigitria Charity Fund,
But I don’t remember.

Special 12 Years,
You sent them to me before the New Year.

Special 12 Years,
Last year, I asked you for them at some point.

Special 12 Years,
But I never used them.

Special 12 Years,
Now they came in handy.

Odigitria Charity Fund,

Odigitria Charity Fund,
I’m glad.

Special 12 Years,
Glory to Jesus Christ.

Special 12 Years,

Odigitria Charity Fund,
Forever be the words to our Lord God.

Special 12 Years,

Dima V,
Father Dmytrii, I have decided to go to war.

Odigitria Charity Fund,
May God protect and have mercy on you.

Dima V,
Thank you, Father Dmytrii.

Hello, Father Dmytrii. This is Serhii reaching out to you.

Father Dmytrii, I learned about God from a friend who was serving time in Kryvyi Rih pre-trial detention center; her name was Ira.

She was released. Before I found out about God, I used to steal from stores that sold mink coats. Until 2022, I was on drugs.

In 2022, I quit, and to this day, I haven't used, thanks to you and the Bible you sent me. I am getting to know God, working on myself to quit smoking, and correcting my mistakes.

Right now, I am sick—I have liver cirrhosis.

I pray to God for healing, and He helps me—mentally, spiritually, and in life overall.

Good afternoon, thank you very much. May God grant you strong health.

Thank you so much, and may the Lord protect and keep you.

I came to God through my relatives. My mother is a believer, a Pentecostal.

I am in prison for the fourth time.

God saved me from a sinful life.

With God... I can barely write...

With God!

Prisoners from all correctional colonies and pre-trial detention centers across Ukraine call and write letters...

I do what I can for them, as much as God allows me...

And how do you fulfill the Lord’s commandments regarding visiting prisoners?

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