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Today, I purchased and sent the following two parcels to places of detention in Ukraine:

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, I purchased and sent the following two parcels to places of detention in Ukraine:

Immersion heaters – Ukrainian prisoners have no way to make tea or heat water.

Food, seasonings, spices – The gruel they are fed is inedible without additives.

Soap – Ukrainian prisoners are not provided with soap.

Warm socks – Ukrainian prisons are cold and damp.

Medicines – There isn’t even cotton wool in Ukrainian prison hospitals.

Toilet paper – Ukrainian prisoners are not given toilet paper.

These are not all the necessities—just what I could afford today.

I spent almost all my funds and the entire day working with inmates. I have a family: an elderly, sick mother, two teenage children, and a wife who cannot work due to health issues.

The donations collected at yesterday’s Sunday service remained in the church: I paid the duty officer, covered water and transportation costs, and that was it.

I am in great need of help.

Thank you.

5169 1551 2816 0056 (A Bank)
5168 7456 1342 0840 (PrivatBank)

PayPal: [email protected]

Beneficiary: Blahodiina Orhanizatsiia "Blahodiinyi Fond 'Odyhitriia'"
IBAN: UA393005280000026000455012355
Beneficiary's bank: OTP Bank


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