Today I handed over Easter cakes to prisoners of the Odessa pre-trial detention center 21. Christ is truly risen! Let's win together! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Today I handed over Easter cakes to prisoners of the Odessa pre-trial detention center 21.
The Liturgy of pre-sanctified gifts was held in the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka.
Several people partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the church, but most - right in the wards ...Read more
Сегодня в светлый праздникВведения во храм Пресвятой Богородицысостоялась Литургия в храме при СПИД центре.Помолились с болящими, прочитали Евангелие,
и причастились Святых Христовых Тайн.Кто смог прийти на...Read more
The Liturgy was held in the hospital church at the AIDS center.
We prayed for all of us, the sick were given Eucharist in the hospital wards
Love to all....
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