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a Liturgy took place in Odessa prison.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

the Liturgy plays a key role in the case of correcting the prisoners, bringing them to Christ and His Church,  for

changing not only the direct participants in God's service, but also their environment: a prison is a very close-bodied

place, everything is close, out in the open, and thus the grace of the Holy Spirit applies to virtually everybody,

who is even slightly open to the Lord, seeking His mercy and pray to Him ...

We took the Holy Communion, prayed for us sinners, and all those killed and tortured in camps and prisons ...

I talked with the Governor of the prison , his subordinates, with the prisoners in the prison cellblock...

Patience  to All  the Liturgy plays a key role in the case of correcting the prisoners, bringing them to Christ and His Church,  for

changing not only the direct participants in God's service, but also their environment: a prison is a very close-bodied

place, everything is close, out in the open, and thus the grace of the Holy Spirit applies to virtually everybody,

who is even slightly open to the Lord, seeking His mercy and pray to Him ...

We took the Holy Communion, prayed for us sinners, and all those killed and tortured in camps and prisons ...

I talked with the Governor of the prison , his subordinates, with the prisoners in the prison cellblock...

Patience  to All  the Liturgy plays a key role in the case of correcting the prisoners, bringing them to Christ and His Church,  for

changing not only the direct participants in God's service, but also their environment: a prison is a very close-bodied

place, everything is close, out in the open, and thus the grace of the Holy Spirit applies to virtually everybody,

who is even slightly open to the Lord, seeking His mercy and pray to Him ...

We took the Holy Communion, prayed for us sinners, and all those killed and tortured in camps and prisons ...

I talked with the Governor of the prison , his subordinates, with the prisoners in the prison cellblock...

Patience  to All...

Patience  to All  


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