Donated humanitarian aid to the poor. I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Donated humanitarian aid to the poor.
I collect donations so that there is something to give to those in need: food, clothing, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, medicines, and funds for fuel and transport for those released from prison.
Myself and my older sun Leo were playing musical instruments (piano and cello) when I received telephone call from the prisoners.... so we played for them for an hour and a half, and they listened, and clapped...Read more
The charitable organization "Hodigitria Charitable Fund" has some amount of funds to help displaced people and the needy.
There are funds for the "Restoration of Life" charitable project, which consists in the...Read more
My financial for 11 years, ship is getting lost. Debts have reached a critical level. - I’m working
for Mercy (Charity) for 11 years, and my personal debts became even greater. My family
consists of 5 persons...Read more