Served today in AIDS hospital in Kriva Balka. Entered all the wards, talked with the sick, and served a prayer service about health. Got, and gave the medication for the HIV + patient at his request. Mercy and Faith to all
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Served today in AIDS hospital in Kriva Balka. Entered all the wards, talked with the sick, and served a prayer service about health. Got, and gave the medication for the HIV + patient at his request. Mercy and Faith to all...
Served today in AIDS hospital in Kriva Balka.Entered all the wards, talked with the sick, and served a prayer service about health.Got, and gave the medication for the HIV + patient at his request.Mercy and...Read more
I’ve sent the parcel to the Dnieper penal colony of general type, and to the colony in Kiev region: blankets, warm clothes, shoes, underwear, prayer books, icons, and products.
Mercy, faith, and love to...Read more
Today visited the AIDS hospice in Kriva Balka (Crooked Beam.)
I walked all the patient’s rooms, talked with heavy aching.
Next week I will go to make communion and serve as a prayer for the health.
It is...Read more
Today, on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of the True Cross,
the Liturgy took place in the Church of the Image Not-Made-By-Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ
at the AIDS Center in Kriva Balka.
Prayed...Read more
Church Service was held in convict colony of intensive regime. We prayed and then spoke about the sacraments of the Church, and sin, and repentance, about the
prison and freedom.
At the end we discussed the...Read more