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My financial for 11 years, ship is getting lost. Debts have reached a critical level. - I’m working for Mercy (Charity) for 11 years, and my personal debts became even greater.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

My financial for 11 years, ship is getting lost. Debts have reached a critical level. - I’m working
for Mercy (Charity) for 11 years, and my personal debts became even greater. My family
consists of 5 persons, they are: my wife, two children aged 10 and 11 years and an old Granny.
Besides I also have to take care about the homeless as they come to me, to my home. There are
also several faithful believers, who can have only my back.
I ask for help from all the not indifferent Ukrainians, because I am getting lost with the debts,
I’ll have to sell my apartment without Your support! I don’t see other way out.
Bow to the ground and great gratitude for Your charity deed!
This time I beg for my own self.
Thanks a lot for Your indifference.
5168 7427 2261 5550 Privat bank
5375 4141 1233 7901 monobank ...

P.S. Collected 10% of the required amount. ...
Bow to the ground and great gratitude to those who have labored sacrificially!

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