I’ll write again, as I received personal messages, and saw that many people do not understand what I am doing, and most importantly – what is my target.
I am not a social worker.
My mission is not aimed at satisfying the material needs of those in need, although this is part of it.
My goal is TO SAVE THE SOUL.
My goal is to bring man to God so that he will be with Him and in eternity.
The salvation of my own soul, souls of my relatives, and everyone who turns to me - first of all.
Therefore, before sending the parcel to the prisoner, we talk with him for a long time.
By phone, or in person - as it turns out.
And if I see in his heart the sprouts of repentance and faith, the desire to follow the Lord, then at some stage of communication, the provision of material assistance is the logical link in our relationship’s construction.
And if at once - “Dmitry, send tea and baccy (something to smoke)”, then - wait, call ... maybe the time will come, and God will give man repentance, and faith ...
... in the meantime, brings up patience.
At the moment I have no resources for the development of the Mission.
There are not even resources to continue the mission: debts, sores, and debts ...
It is clear that “experience, the son of difficult mistakes”, is worth a lot.
But now, having experience, I need to move on ...
... but I don’t see yet - how ... Please help!
How God will give.
Love and eternal meanings to All.