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Glory to God! Glory to Ukraine!

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The war affects everyone. Everyone who is living now and those who will come after us. Our present day is the result of our past choices. Our future day is the result of today's choices and decisions. And while we are here, each of us must decide whose side we are on. Yes, one can pretend that this does not concern them and look indifferently at what is happening, but whoever is not with us is against us.

Ukraine must win because this fire must be extinguished. If this does not happen, the flames of war will spread across the world, and then it will be impossible to stand aside, as the war will touch everyone—painfully and tangibly.

Today, we need help, support, and prayer. For all of us. For a future where light triumphs over darkness, life over death, and heaven over hell. Without our participation, nothing will change, for it is our synergy and unity that can alter the course of events.

We need drones and vehicles, food and medicine, resources to live and continue the fight. We believe and are certain that the Lord is with us, that without Him no good deed is possible. But without our involvement, it is also impossible. That is why we call upon all souls, bright and devoted to God, who are ready at any time and in any place to fulfill His will.

Our victory is a shared cause. It is the victory of life over death and light over darkness. It is the victory of each of us, and everyone can contribute. Let our hearts be open to mercy and love; let there be no indifference within us because together we are strong, and together we can stop this evil.

Glory to God! Glory to Ukraine!

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