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Father, what are your problems?

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Father,  what are your problems?

I have None ... Do you?

Oh, Father, and this, and that, and this, and this ... and I do not know - what to do ...

What to do? Zeal! Zeal for God! From the heart! Becausea donation, which did not cost us anything – is not a donation. The prayer, which was very fast and easy, and we do not get tired and do not bother -is waste of time ...

For the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force, ..

Father! So all life is a feat!

Feat say? And what is it? In the care of relatives and friends? So it's not a feat ... this is normal - to take care of loved ones ... but Christianity - is to love our enemies and pray for them ...it means  care about other people and strangers ... to be good to the poor, heal the sick, and visit the prisoners ...

It means to love all those sent to you to You by the Lord ... and forgive, and do not require anything with a knife, or any other force, but trust the Father, and to believe in Jesus Christ.




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