My whole family takes part in the charitable mission Odigitria - today Lev's fruitful efforts sent humanitarian aid to the needy in Sumy and Kyiv regions. Let's win together! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
My whole family takes part in the charitable mission Odigitria - today Lev's fruitful efforts sent humanitarian aid to the needy in Sumy and Kyiv regions. Let's win together! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
I collect product-a ware care packages to the colony, and prison –
I’ve sent my wife to the store, and collect the things myself at the ware house, I feel lousy, that is the logical consequence of the lack of...Read more
Prepeared a parcel (package) for prisoners: food, clothing, spiritual literature ...
Handed on……/tyurma-beskraynee-pole-dlya-del…
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Today I handed over Easter cakes to prisoners of the Odessa pre-trial detention center 21.
Christ is truly risen!
Let's win together!
Thank God!
Glory to Ukraine!
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Today the Liturgy was served in the convict colony of intensive regime .
Let us pray for peace and for Ukraine, for the soldiers, for our city, and for those who did not live to see this day.
Holy Communion ...Read more