Today, a service was held at the prison buildings of the Odessa Remand Prison (SIZO). Confessed, prayed, and talked with the prisoners: we are preparing for the next service. I gave the prisoners spiritual literature.
By Дмитрий Краснобаев
Today, a service was held at the prison buildings of the Odessa Remand Prison (SIZO). Confessed, prayed, and talked with the prisoners: we are preparing for the next service. I gave the prisoners spiritual literature.
I collect product-a ware care packages to the colony, and prison –
I’ve sent my wife to the store, and collect the things myself at the ware house, I feel lousy, that is the logical consequence of the lack of...Read more
Walked through the wards and talked with patients.
Those who wished and were able went to the temple
and praised for them and all of us.
Three men took Holy Communion
Temple is destructing and need repairs....Read more
I had a conversation with one of the police department heads.
Do You know, what is the percentage of repeated criminal offenses today?
90%!!! and a couple of years ago it was 70% ...
What does it mean?
This...Read more