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Today, on the bright holiday of Easter, I visited the Odessa prison.

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

Today, on the bright holiday of Easter, I visited the Odessa prison.

I walked all the cells in one of the prison buildings, (about a hundred),

And all cameras in the sector of the maximum level of security,

Where prisoners sentenced for life are held,.

In each cell there is aspersion, and a short sermon about the goal of human life

- eternity with the Lord,

And that this goal is achieved through obedience to his will,

Humility and repentance, and that today is a great opportunity to say to God:

"Have mercy on me, a sinner," and that a robber, who entered the Kingdom of

heaven first is a perfect example, testifying to the benevolent kindness of the Creator,

His love and forgiveness ...

Crist is reisen!



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