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The morning began with a prayer for our soldiers and for the victory of our army...

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

The morning began with a prayer for our soldiers and for the victory of our army...

...but after the prayer, we need to help, to add what our boys and girls need, who are now at the front, in the trenches and dugouts, preventing the darkness from capturing Ukraine...

We need 3 power banks. x 300 UAH A set for cleaning weapons. (2000 UAH) Instant coffee. (450 UAH) Gas cylinders 10 pcs at 59 UAH 590 UAH All these things are very important, and they will not transport themselves to the front...

Therefore, let's do it together... 4323 3473 2403 9558 A bank.

Glory to God! Glory to Ukraine!





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