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I got sick again, but the mission is working: I gave humanitarian aid to needy migrants, those with many children, prisoners and the sick.

Зображення користувача Дмитрий Краснобаев.
I got sick again, but the mission is working: I gave humanitarian aid to needy migrants, those with many children, prisoners and the sick.
All these acts of mercy and love are performed thanks to your voluntary donations, and are the fulfillment of God's commandments: whoever has two clothes - give one to the needy, whoever has food - do the same...
This mission has been operating since 2012, but not a single penny has come to Hodigitria's bank account for the past 2 months, and I have run out of money - I have nothing more to work and help... ...but I believe - God will solve everything with your hands and hearts!
Together we will win! Thank God! Glory to Ukraine!
For convenience PayPal and card details in the first three comments.
PayPal otche.net@gmail.com
5168 7427 2261 5550 Private Bank
5375 4141 1233 7901 monobank
Details for transfers in national currency Recipient:
Odigitria Charitable Foundation
IBAN Account №: UA393005280000026000455012355
Recipient code: 39893123 Beneficiary,s bank:
OTP BANK JSC city Kyiv, 01033, str. Zhylyanska, 43
Beneficiary: Odyhytriia
Account IBAN #: UA393005280000026000455012355
Beneficiary’s bank: OTP BANK JSC
43 Zhylyanska Str., Kyiv, 01033

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