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It is hard to explain to the person who is treated as the cattle, that he is a man,created after the image and likeness of God

Дмитрий Краснобаев's picture

It is hard to explain to the person who is treated as the cattle,

that he is a man,created

after the image and likeness of God

We can not change the prison system in no time
We can not give other better conditions at once.
But is there something we can do?
Yes, We can.
We can establish spiritual work,
because with God you can live in the most difficult conditions.
We can provide prisoners with food and medicine.
And many more things we can do.
If we want to ...
Only I alone have more than 4000 friends ...
... and only one prison ...
You can read about Different forms of cooperation and help here: https://mission.tyurem.net/en/help


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